Sunday, September 27, 2015

Math Fun

 Sorting buttons after reading "The      Button Box"

 Working on creating and extending our own patterns.

BUZZing with pride

 During the first two weeks of school, we spent lots of time learning the school and classroom rules.  The class learned all about how to be a good citizen in the classroom and in our communities.  We also learned that one of the most important jobs of being a good citizen is participating in election through voting when they turn 18.  To mimick this process, we voted for our own class mascot.

Beltz's Bees Wins!

 This is citizen man and he has lots of great ideas from the class on how to be a good citizen!  Love their joy for learning!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to First Grade!

I will be posting to this blog throughout the year and will use this as one communication tool for our classroom.  I hope you find this helpful and rewarding as you get to see your child enjoy learning each day!
Mrs. Beltz